Sept 2000 Puppy Pics
On September 17 and 22, 2000 a total of eleven puppies arrived at the Connecticut Hartman house.
Elvira's Five Jewel's Six
Elvira and Jewel were great moms but when their job was completed and the puppies were weaned
then the real fun began!
Eleven puppies needed to be fed!
Eleven Puppies needed to be transported
Jewel's six in a basket
Elvira's Five in a basket
Eleven puppies had to go out to do their business and wait to come in again:
One day all eleven puppies went on a field trip to visit a local extended care facility. Seeing the joy
in the faces of these seniors as they each held a puppy had to be one of my favorite moments.
Of course all the puppies had to have their regular evening play time:
And eleven puppies had to learn how to go down that first step:
And finally we had to start saying good bye to most of our young Tibbies, as they each found
a new family to bring their special joy to.
Now that there are only three puppies remaining at our house and the total
craziness has almost subsided I have to admit I miss all eleven of those
puppies, but I know that they are all bringing to their new homes the joy
and love that only a Tibbie can provide.
For the love of Tibbies,